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Thursday, Dec. 14, 2023 - Daytime Update


Updated: Dec 15, 2023

  • 8:00AM - Maureen is awake when I arrived. Maya informed that she woke up around 6:15am and has been sleeping in and out in between.

  • 8:30AM - Administered 75mcg of Levothyroxine with applesauce.

  • 8:50AM - We started Maureen's day by washing her upper body with warmed purple wipes. No redness on body observed. Diaper was dry, we cleaned and changed her. Applied Cavilon barrier film on sacrum and Cavilon cream on folds. Finished dressing and transferred Maureen to the kitchen.

  • 9:00AM - Breakfast started with 6oz prune juice, oatmeal/fruit smoothie with 2 prunes, and yogurt. No coughs.

**No MiraLAX today.

  • 9:30AM - Oral care.

  • 9:45AM - Maureen coughed up some phlegm. Reclined geri chair one notch for Maureen's comfort.

  • Nebulizer treatment, 1st with Saline Sol'n then followed with Albuterol.

  • 10:05AM - Facial and hand care. Also, applied Carmex lip balm on sores. Blisters looking better and less red.

  • 10:30AM - BP: 110/64, P-68

  • **Maureen looking wide awake today and less tired. Had a 30minute nap before we transferred her to the bedroom for her rest break.

  • 11:15AM - Transferred Maureen to the bedroom for her 1st rest break. Diaper was heavy wet with small soft bowel movement. We cleaned and changed her. Positioned to face her right side starting at 11:30am.

  • 12:35PM - 1st rest break ended. Diaper was dry. Transferred Maureen to the kitchen.

  • 12:50PM - Lunch was egg salad, sliced fresh tomato, yogurt and 12oz of sparkling water. No coughs.

  • 1:25PM - Oral care. Applied Carmex lip balm on cold sores.

  • 2:15PM - Had 3/4 cup of lemon water.

  • 2:25PM - Transferred to the bedroom for 2nd rest break. Diaper was heavy wet with small soft bowel movement. Cleaned and changed. Position Maureen to face her left side at 2:40pm.

  • 3:35PM - 2nd rest break ended. Diaper was medium wet with medium soft bowel movement. Cleaned and changed Maureen thoroughly then, transferred to the front room.

  • 3:50PM - Fruit snack time (pear, kiwi and melon). Maureen enjoyed her fruit snack. No coughs.

  • 4:25PM - BP: 112/63, P-64bpm

  • 4:35PM - Nebulizer treatment, Saline Sol'n first then the Albuterol.

  • 5:00PM - Dinner was pork tenderloin with gravy, sauerkraut and carrots. Maureen finished her 1 cup of lemon water. She liked the dinner very much. Coughed 3x.

  • **Maureen has been talkative today even until dinner. ☺️

  • 5:30PM - Checked diaper and it's dry.

  • 5:55PM - Administered 5mg Olanzapine with apple sauce and 12.5ml Vimpat.

  • 6:15PM - Oral care. Applied Carmex on cold sores.

  • 6:30PM - Transferred Maureen to the bedroom. Diaper was heavy wet, cleaned and changed her. Applied Cavilon cream on folds. Applied Cetaphil lotion on both legs, arms and face. Positioned Maureen to face her left side, pillow in between legs and 2 wedges on her back.

  • 6:50PM - Maureen is sleeping.


T - 97.2

P - 88bpm

O2 - 99%

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