7 00 am Maureen is calmly asleep
7 30 am Maureen is waking up
8 00 am Maureen is awake. She is smiling and reacting to talking
8 15 am The diaper was medium wet, we gave her a complete bed bath and applied 3M products
8 55 am We headed to the kitchen
9 05 am A spoonful of honey and an applesauce with a half of a thyroid pill
9 10 am Breakfast begins. A cheese and ham omelette, a banana, 4oz of prune juice, a cup of water
9 40 am An applesauce with a blood pressure pill and an allergy pill. Nasal spray
9 45 am Oral and Facial Care
9 55 am A deacon Andy came over with the Communion. Today it was really smooth with the Communion, and Maureen didn't have any cough
10 10 am Maureen is sitting comfortably in the reclined Geri chair. She snoozed for 10 min
10 15 am Marie is doing some hand excercises with Maureen
10 45 am Fruit Smoothie
11 10 am Two Senna pills with an applesauce
11 20 am We headed to the bedroom
11 25 am The diaper was medium wet, the bowel movement was large and soft. We applied 3M products
11 45 am Rest Period 1 begins. Maureen was tired and enjoyed taking a nap
12 45 pm Rest Period 1 ended. The diaper was medium wet. We applied 3M products
1 00 pm We headed to the kitchen
1 10 pm Lunch. A cheese and ham toast, a chicken pea soup and a cup of coconut water. She gave us a couple of smiles
2 00 pm Oral Care
2 10 pm We are chatting with Maureen and massaging her hands
2 45 pm We headed to the bedroom. The diaper was medium wet.
2 50 pm Rest Period 2 begins. The diaper was medium wet. We applied enjoyed a break
3 50 pm Rest Period 2 ended. The diaper was medium wet, we applied 3M products. We headed to the living room
4 20 pm Fruit bowl and a cup of water
4 35 pm Maureen is chatty, sitting in the armchair, watching her favorite game
5 50 pm We headed to the bedroom. The diaper was medium wet, we applied 3M products
6 15 pm Dinner begins. Fresh turkey with tomatoes and beets. A cup of water. Maureen was dancing with Marie
6 55 pm Olanzapine with an applesauce.
7 00 pm 7.5 mL of Vimpat
7 05 pm Oral Care
7 15 pm chair wash
7 28 pm we headed to the bedroom
F7 35 pm the diaper was medoum wet. We applied 3M products
7 55 pm Maureen is ready to fall asleep. Her vitals were 97.1F for temperature, 98% oxygen and 73 bpm for her pulse