5:00 pm: Dry diaper.
5:10 pm: Dinner: Salmon, Potatoes and Carrots.
No coughing during the dinner.
3/4 cup of water with lemon (8 oz)
5:45 pm: Administered 12,5 ml of Vimpat and 5 mg of Olanzapine with applesouce.
6:15 pm: Oral Care.
6:30 pm: Transferred Maureen to the bedroom.
Diaper was medium wet with a small red spot/ blood - vaginal discharge.
Cleaned and changed.
Applied Cavilon cream.
We applied Cetaphil lotion to hands and feet.
Positioned Maureen on her left side.
P- 75
6:55 pm: Maureen is asleep.
9:30 pm: medium wet diaper.
Small clear VD mix with blood. No odor.
Cleaned and changed.
Repositioned right side.
11:30 pm: dry clean diaper.
Repositioned left side.
2:00 am: dry and clean diaper.
Repositioned right side.
4:45 sm: medium wet diaper.
No Blood.
Cleaned and changed.
Repositioned left side.
Maureen slept good all night.