6:35AM - Maureen is sleeping lightly. Her diaper is dry.
7:45AM - Light sleep continues. Maureen murmurs occasionally. Diaper is now wet.
Our day officially began at 8:05AM. Maureen is in good form. She is alert and engaged. Maya cleaned Maureen thoroughly with warm wipes from the purple packet. We did not see any red marks on Maureen's posterior area.
We did notice an abnormally large amount of gunk/blood on and around the area of Maureen's left incisor. This is the infamous loose tooth.
Breakfast service began at 8:25AM. Maureen began to tilt to the left from the moment we placed her in the day chair. Maya inserted a green wedge pillow to straighten her posture. Maureen coughed a few times during breakfast.
All of the sudden, Maureen's nose got runny. We decided to administer a dose of Flonase into each nostril. Allergy season is now in full swing.
8:40AM - The combination of left tilt and slump forward prompted Maya to insert the second green wedge pillow into the day chair to adjust Maureen's posture.
Maureen is rather talkative this morning. She has already cracked some jokes and smiled on several occasions.
8:53AM - Maya administered the morning medications—blood pressure and baby aspirin.
Maya noticed this morning that Maureen left incisor (flipper) tooth is as loose now as it was prior to our most recent visit to Dr. Yoshino.
9:11AM - Maureen continues to significantly slump forward—especially in the neck area. She is also drooling on an intermittent basis.
9:28AM - Maureen was slumping so far forward in the day chair that we decided to take her to the lift recliner where she would be much more comfortable. She is now sitting comfortably.
10:10AM - Fruit smoothie time. Maureen enjoyed all of its organic goodness.
12:15PM - Maya checked Maureen's pull up. It was wet. We took Maureen to the bedroom for a change. While cleaning Maureen, she urinated and moved her bowels. The bowel movement was small and firm. Maya cleaned Maureen thoroughly and put on a fresh pull up.
12:40PM - Today is Pasta Thursday. Maureen enjoyed lunch on the patio. It is a perfect day to be dining al fresco on Chef Brian's culinary delights! Michael Osel stopped by to chat with Maureen for 30 minutes or so.
1:50PM - Kathy came by for a visit. We returned to the house because Maureen was tilting so far to the left—especially her neck. She is now sitting comfortably in the lift recliner.
3:05PM - Maya checked Maureen's pull up. It was wet. We proceeded to the bedroom for a change. The urine seeped through to Maureen's pants. While cleaning Maureen, Maya observed some fecal residue on Maureen and the pull up. It was not what we would consider a bowel movement. Maya finished cleaning Maureen and put on a new pull up. There are absolutely no red marks on Maureen's posterior area.
June 3 daytime update