4:00pm Maureen is laying comfortably in the recliner. 4:45pm Tom and I transfer Maureen from the recliner to the day chair. We take Maureen to the bathroom. Pull-up is dry, Maureen urinated (cloudy). 4:55pm Maureen is sitting in the day chair by the front door enjoying the sunlight.
6:30pm Dinner time. Maureen ate 100% of hot dogs, macaroni and cheese, and potato salad with two full cups of water. 7:30pm Administered 10mg OLANZAPINE with yogurt and 7.5mL VIMPAT. Oral care after. 8:20pm Get ready for bed. Tom and I transfer Maureen using the Hoyer lift from day chair to bed. Pull-up is dry, new diaper put on. Vicks applied to chest and both left and right big toe. Maureen is lying on her left side. 8:35pm Maureen is asleep.